Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I have been getting involved in Raw Network of Washington. It seems that I have become the board co-president.

This was something I had considered before, but it didn't feel quite right for me to sign on at that time. After some conflict and some consideration, I decided that it would be a disservice if I DIDN'T serve on the board and that was an interesting thing to pay attention to.

I enjoy group facilitation and community building and this is a good chance to experiment and experience that. I feel pretty passionately about it, actually. I am happy to be learning about leadership. How long did it take me to want to step into this space?

At Findhorn there were chances to step into the same (similar) leadership role and I outright refused. I needed a bit of regressive therapy regarding 'taking care.' But now I am putting my desire to lead and encourage others into practice. It's a hard job, nothing to scoff at, but I really believe in the mission.

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